Hi all
I started to work with hector slam.
My system is ubuntu 11.10 and fuerte full.
My problem is if i try to run the tutorial (described here http://www.ros.org/wiki/hector_slam/Tutorials/MappingUsingLoggedData)
Everything seems to work nice in rviz. I get no errors or warnings nothing, but the map is not created. Even if i look at the laserscan in rviz i can see your walk through the labyrinth.
I installed the correct version of hector_slam for fuerte.
I also tried this: http://answers.ros.org/question/35588/hector-slam-visualization-error/
I also looked at the /map topic before and after i start the rosbag file. It seems like nothing changes. I can only see hundreds of "-1" But okay i have no idea what should be there. ;)
Hoping for some help i can't find more solutions here